(税込) 送料込み
日本語に翻訳 ▲Strictly selected Indian cotton material, coupled with the wood engraving method of the Indian desert area, and the simple handwork, it seems to travel with flowers and be in the atmosphere of Italy.
▲Use environmentally friendly inks that are less polluting to the earth. Persist in loving the earth
▲Fresh pattern design, enclosing more layered
▲Indian cotton material woven with dense weave
▲Complex and meticulous woodcutting method, presenting European manor
▲Return Natural design creates a unique sense of freshness
▲Side piping design, more color richness and texture
▲It can be used as a scarf/poncho/beach sunscreen/table towel, or a warm shawl in an air-conditioned summer room
and practical
▲Wear the handprinted cotton silk scarf to travel the world! It is also a creative gift for gifting.
▲With a hand-feeling carton packaging, it is also very convenient for you to give gifts.
►The scarf is the best supporting role for winter travel.
Because I love to travel, I want to convey this simple happiness To everyone,
turns out that traveling is the most comfortable way of life.
put on a hand-feeling scarf,
live a little hippie life occasionally!
▲Material: Indian pure cotton
Length: 185 cm
Width: 120 cm
(Because the measurement method and position of each person are slightly different, the size is horizontal manual measurement, depending on factors such as fabric elasticity and measurement starting point. There is a slight error with the actual size, the error size ±3cm is the acceptable range of the international inspection standard)6439円クリスマス交換ギフトバレンタインデーギフト母の日ギフトクリスマスギフト特大の純綿シルクスカーフ手作り木版画印刷工場染色スカーフ木ファッションバルーンギフト バルーンデコ クリスマスブルー フランス産クリスマス交換ギフトバレンタインデーギフト母の日ギフトクリスマス
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美腹筋目指すなら‼︎ ナールボディデザイン visualartsdepartment.it
藍染 絲巾 の検索結果 | Pinkoi(ピンコイ)アジア最大級のグローバル
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カロッチェリア AVIC-MRZ009 emmanuelfranca.com.br
美腹筋目指すなら‼︎ ナールボディデザイン visualartsdepartment.it
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