10枚のカードの長いクリップ。手縫いのレザー素材バッグ。 BSP009
日本語に翻訳 Commodity: Ten-card long clip
Specifications: 10 card slots, 2 rectangular dark grids, 2 banknote slots
Size: 17.5cm x 10cm
Material: Transparent dyed vegetable tanned leather
color (eleven colors) Optional:
original Natural
Toffee Toffee
Peach Peach
Orange Orange
Dark Blue Green Dark Cyan
Grey Grey
Red Red
Grassy Green Grassy
Black Black
Mineral Blue Blue
included in the material
◆Features of the material package:
. The edges of each piece of leather have been carefully thinned to make the finished product more beautiful, thin and delicate.
. Pre-cutting and punching make it more convenient for beginners.
. Water-dyed top layer cowhide is the best quality leather part. Hand feel, durability, and color are better.
◆ Instructions for placing an order:
. All material packages have preset beige wax lines. If you want to match other colors of wax thread, please go back to the product page to purchase.
. We provide free compression service for the following fonts, the font size is 4mm, and the font size is limited to 15 fonts. LINEBREAK Please indicate the content (upper and lowercase/symbols, etc.) and position when
If the location is not indicated, the
designer will help you find the best location.
. The color of the photo may have a chance of deviation, please use the actual color as the main color.
. Leather is a natural material, and it is normal that there are growth patterns, insect spots, and uneven colors.
. Leather is a natural material. Without processing, it will inevitably have poor waterproof and anti-fouling capabilities.
strongly recommends adding protective varnish or mink oil to the leather surface after completion to enhance its beauty and durability.
. This product contains small accessories and sharp objects. Not suitable for children under six years old.
Children aged six to twelve must be accompanied by an adult and should be handled with care.
◆Video teaching:
Ten-card long clip
Basic skills
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Oujv6wOzHI6391円10枚のカードの長いクリップ。手縫いのレザー素材バッグ。 BSP009ハンドメイド素材楽天市場】\楽天イーグルス感謝祭☆P5倍/ IDカードホルダー10枚のカードの長いクリップ。手縫いのレザー素材バッグ。 BSP009
10枚のカードの長いクリップ。手縫いのレザー素材バッグ。 BSP009
10枚のカードの長いクリップ。手縫いのレザー素材バッグ。 BSP009
10枚のカードの長いクリップ。手縫いのレザー素材バッグ。 BSP009
12枚のカードの長いクリップ。手縫いレザー素材バッグ。 BSP010
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限定】NAGASAWA PenStyle 10本差し キップレザー ロールペンケース 栗
Amazon.co.jp: HERBE 牛革 ストラップ キーホルダー Sサイズ
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栃木レザー総手縫い Dカン付きクリップボード - RENOLEATHER'S GALLERY
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素材について 【鳥井工房】カメラの速写ケース&ストラップなど手縫い
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