日本語に翻訳 [Specifications]
- Name - Martha & Marty
- Style - Ring (fashion, engagement)
- Material - 925 silver (carved with 925 prints)
- Ruler - Female ring: H5.5mm x W22.5mm
Male Ring: H11mm x W23mm
- Ring - Female ring: International 12 / Japan 13
Male ring: International 15 / Japan 17
(A variety of sizes are available, ring ring can be modified as required, please contact us )
- Packaging - Carved original paulownia box, handmade small brocade bag, jewellery cloth
[Product concept]
-Martha & Marty- I have been looking for that feeling, that kind of warmth in the cold days The hand, the feeling of walking forward in a practical way" - taken from the "half-life". When the two rings are stacked together, the figure is like a hand with a ten-finger clasp, worn alone without losing the shape. From the "spirit series" Design: A series of couple rings with different birth faces. Fully personalized when worn independently, each ring can also be combined into one, which is your unique love password. It is a good choice for the ring, the couple ring. .
-925 Silver --925 silver since ancient times human beings like precious metals, as silver sheen, it is often linked up with the moon hope shiny bright as new silver jewelry is very simple, just use us? The included jewelry wipes are regularly maintained!
- Diamonds - In the theory of chakra treatment, diamonds are considered to be an important spar with inspiration and spiritual guidance, and they contain the powerful energy needed to impact brain waves. In ancient times, people believed that diamonds could “open the third eye” and have an enlightenment.
- Guarantee - We only use precious materials, all precious metals, precious stones, diamonds, etc. are guaranteed to be genuine
- Mail - Products The postal air transport registration is the main mode of delivery. The time is usually 3 to 7 days.
- Customized - All custom orders are welcome. Any ideas are welcome to communicate with us
- Photos - Product photos are slightly different in different screens There is a certain degree of difference with the real thing. If you have any questions, please contact us
Thank you for visiting Our design gallery and support original handcrafted jewellery! If you have any questions or need on the ruler please let us know.
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