日本語に翻訳 Every girl has her own jewelry box in her heart
There are accessories rich in her emotional memory
Florencek Paradise hairpins accompany you into a happy life
Materials: metal, freshwater pearls, natural stones
Size: Flower 18k The material is about 1.5cm, and the 18k material beads are 1.2cm
Total length 13.5cm
Jewelry maintenance instructions~
*The jewelry is relatively fragile, please do not bend it under heavy pressure, please wear it carefully to avoid heavy pressure, it is recommended to wear it after wearing Store back in the box.
*Do not use any liquid maintenance or wipes, and avoid spraying accessories directly or in large quantities on hairdressing products.
*Copper is a natural metal, and it will undergo normal oxidation, including color, darkening or fading; the speed and degree of oxidation will vary according to the way of maintenance and storage.
*Place metal jewelry in a dry place, avoid moisture, and use a sealed bag to prevent snagging, collision, friction, extrusion and desiccant storage. Isolate the air and avoid rapid oxidation, which is also good for maintaining the state of the jewelry itself.6960円パール天然石ヘアピンアクセサリー・ジュエリーヘアバトン ファー かんざし ヘアピン パール 天然石 レディースヘアパール天然石ヘアピン かんざし FLORENCEKPARADISE 通販|Creema(クリーマ)
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141 Emerald Song Collection】 Integration Hairpin エメラルド