日本語に翻訳 / Commodity Description and stories /
inspired by natural marble stone, designer Grace personally like its texture, and make copies of his King pattern, so that each bag is not a texture, like natural stone, like. A limited number.
/ size, size /
- 31cm 17cm X-X-2.5cm
/ Material /
- Shiwen digital printing canvas with black leather
- zip inside cells, can put phone, keys, wallet
- there are two pockets of the magnet, easy to open and close, and very safe
/ operate and maintain /
- can put phone, keys, wallet, very lightweight
- Collect avoid direct sunlight, stored in a dry place
/ designers and brand introduction /
GLUSH / handbag brand was founded in 2012 by designer Grace. She is a fashion and a 2006 honors graduate of textile to the Department of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, who get several scholarships and Dean nomination. Respectively of publicity and public relations duties on public relations firms and international beauty brands after graduation. Four years later decided to rejoin the design, Hong Kong manufacturers in an original design and equipment when the handbag designer and publicity manager. Contact cowhide, sheepskin, python skin, crocodile leather, wood, steel and other materials to make different use of the material on her interest, and the creation of their own unique brand of material placed on the bag for the market to bring a little freshness fun .
brand product design focused on the use of unique materials. GRASSY first series is made of canvas and fake turf, access to international media reports and appreciation, including AnotherMag, Trend Hunter, Hint Magazine and Cosmopolitan and so on. This series is a classic brand, every summer there will be new members.
Origin / manufacturing methods
origin handmade Hong Kong6814円グレーの霜降りのクラッチバッグ・カバンMaison Martin Margiela - メゾン マルジェラ MAISON MARGIELA トートグレーの霜降りのクラッチ クラッチバッグ GLUSH/ 通販|Creema(クリーマ)
激かわ(♡˙ᵕ˙♡)糸もかなり優秀な♡♡ ** 霜降りグレー∑(๑º口º๑
Wave125i クラッチ修理 | yuzizziのブログ
【グレー、ブラックの2色展開】クラッチバッグ GL212 | gateofsense
グレー、ブラックの2色展開】クラッチバッグ GL212 | gateofsense
FIVE WOODS クラッチバッグ(オリジナルオイルドレザー×ネイビー)
新品 サンローラン パリ ポーチ RIVE GAUCHE ZIPPED - セカンドバッグ
Maison Martin Margiela - メゾン マルジェラ MAISON MARGIELA
C-29 デニムマスク(オーシャングレー) 3枚セット - 岡山県井原市
【グレー、ブラックの2色展開】クラッチバッグ GL212 | gateofsense
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格安 ステンシル 前V ビンテージ 50s スウェット L 霜降り グレー L
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ズパゲッティ クラッチバッグ - N-YOU'S GALLERY | minne 国内最大級の
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メランジダブルフェイス 2ボタン テーラードジャケット(M 06グレー
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