日本語に翻訳 No.226 *Little fox walks in the moonlight. Silver Fox Wandering under the Moonlight*
★Size: about 200m long, about 42cm wide
★Material: American printed cotton and linen fabric + imported blended cashmere wool, Swarovski crystal beads
★Applicable seasons: autumn, winter (suitable for micro Rainy, cool seasons)
"s unique, hand-sewn work takes a long time to make, but it can consider the pattern of the fabric itself, only pick up a little warp or weft to fix the fabric, hide the stitches, and fix the fabric It does not deform, does not affect the overall integrity of the work, and can be perfectly presented on both sides, avoiding machine sewing and there will be a line of stitches. Each piece is stitched with the designer"s hand-finished, distressed, branded bronze medallion. The piece comes with gift wrapping, perfect for gift giving.
★Note: Pins are not included in the artwork. The fabric used in this work is relatively firm, which is very suitable for the shape of the surrounding method.
★The design originates from the
, where everything is silent. In the sleeping forest, the silver fox
is dressed in the silver moonlight and walks lightly in the middle of the night.
★Design concept
The cute little fox reappears. This time, it is not a cute figurative form, but a mysterious silver silhouette with large dots printed on it, giving the overall atmosphere a vast sense of space.
The protagonist fabric is slightly stiff cotton and linen, balanced with soft knitted material and cashmere blended fabric. Echoing the hot silver print, the plain face is highlighted with black, dark grey and grey. Swarovski"s crystal beads are embellished on the very edge, making the faint glitter faintly echo the moonlight.
The slightly wider design is suitable for showing the beauty of the print or folded into a slightly narrower version to emphasize the modernity of the color block. Even with a dignified work suit, it will not look abrupt. Simply pair it with a knitted top for a neat and stylish look.
★The beauty of hand-made lies in the careful consideration of every needle and thread. Each piece has a unique vitality
サイズ 長(L): 200cm
寬(W): ˋ42cm
純手工製品難免有微小誤差(0.5cm內) 仕様・特長項目名 詳細 洗濯機 不可手洗い 可ドライクリーニング 可16295円スカーフNo.226*月明かりの下を歩く小さなキツネ*シルバーの小さなキツネの水玉模様のアースカラーの黒とグレーのステッチスパンファッションミニキツネスカーフ E00023 | EMMA GRANDスカーフNo.226*月明かりの下を歩く小さなキツネ*シルバーの小さな
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ミニキツネスカーフ E00023 | EMMA GRAND
ミニキツネスカーフ E00023 | EMMA GRAND
ミニキツネスカーフ E00023 | EMMA GRAND
シルク アソート ミニ スカーフ (マフラー・ショール・スヌード
ミニキツネスカーフ E00023 | EMMA GRAND
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天然石ネックレス emmanuelfranca.com.br
ミニキツネスカーフ E00023 | EMMA GRAND
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ミニキツネスカーフ E00023 | EMMA GRAND
シルク アソート ミニ スカーフ (マフラー・ショール・スヌード
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シルク アソート ミニ スカーフ (マフラー・ショール・スヌード
天然石ネックレス emmanuelfranca.com.br
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シルク アソート ミニ スカーフ (マフラー・ショール・スヌード
天然石ネックレス emmanuelfranca.com.br