日本語に翻訳 Sylvilagus insonus.
is an endangered species distributed in Mexico.
humble silver ornaments are made of 999 sterling silver.
Every piece of jewelry made by hand is made by hand, and will not be copied 100%.
Each animal ring looks slightly different in look.
Custom size measurement method:
1. You can try the ring most accurately at the jewelry store nearby.
2. Measure by yourself according to the following instructions:
● Place your original ring on a ruler to measure the inner diameter of the ring.
● If there is no ring, you can use an inelastic cotton thread around your finger, mark it, and take off the cotton thread to measure its length.
Maintenance method:
Because the oil on the surface of the human body can make the silver jewelry have a lustrous luster, it will be beautiful when worn often.
not in use, you can wipe it with a silver cloth and place it in a plastic chain bag, keep it dry, and avoid contact with air to cause oxidation.
sales service:
● If the silver jewelry has an oxidation condition that it cannot handle, or there is a slight deformation, please send it back to Shouzhuo,
or return it to Sanhou"s store in Sanyi for free maintenance and Adjustment.
● If the ornament is artificially damaged, repair costs will be charged according to the damage.6405円スターリングシルバーのウサギリングアクセサリー・ジュエリー925スターリングシルバースターリングシルバーのウサギリング 指輪・リング 守拙手活 通販
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