日本語に翻訳 The sun is shining, and the mood is unanimous, revealing the feeling of wanting to go to the sea for vacation. The must-have stripe of the ocean wind has always been a wild and unpopular popular element, using bright roses and dry red stripes, in a purely simple cut, Incorporating the ingenuity, the little girl"s collar and white floral lace embellishment make the overall visual clarity more outstanding.
100% cotton + 100% cotton
main fabric : Rose dry red stripes
V-neck short-sleeved shirt-type buckle and knee-length dress
Attached with a main fabric belt, you can choose to wear or wear a personal belt accessories
adult model height 176 cm / 55KG, with S
picture The brown belt in the middle is for personal use only for
100% cotton
main fabric: rose dry red stripes
round neck sleeveless knee-length dress
neckline embellished with white floral lace, more visual distinct levels
behind zipper
children MODEL height 122 cm / 20KG, the 120 cm (7-8Y) Inch
[washed recommended]
Wash follow the predetermined standard washing, the laundry can be kept optimum.
Hand washing and dry cleaning are especially good. If you want to use the washing machine, it is recommended to put the laundry bag on the reverse side to maintain the integrity of the goods.
If you want to dry, it is recommended to use the low temperature mode. The high temperature mode is easy to cause the clothes to shrink.
Washing with bleaching solvent The agent will fade the beauty clothes, please avoid using
recommended to separate the deep and light color clothes separately
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赤(レッド) ワンピース・チュニック のおすすめ人気通販|Creema
classificados.acheiusa.com - [クール便] カンティーネ ファッロ
赤(レッド) ワンピース・チュニック のおすすめ人気通販|Creema
赤(レッド) ワンピース・チュニック のおすすめ人気通販|Creema
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赤(レッド) ワンピース・チュニック のおすすめ人気通販|Creema
楽天市場】トフィー Toffy ハーフホットサンドメーカー 電気ホット
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赤(レッド) ワンピース・チュニック のおすすめ人気通販|Creema
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楽天市場】トフィー Toffy ハーフホットサンドメーカー 電気ホット