日本語に翻訳 Material and composition: vegetable tanned cow leather, wax thread, YKK zipper & zipper head (Note: no hook and loop)
color: primary color (cow leather), gold (zipper + zipper head), beige (wax line), red brown (stained )
size: 80mm (diameter) * 18mm (outer thickness)
this coin purse is customized for order
can choose to have both patterns A on both sides, both patterns B or one pattern A + one pattern B
round It is the most difficult style to make.
leather carving and leather-plastic parts are precisely calculated by
and have both aesthetics and three-dimensional touch.
zippers must be pinched in place with each needle.
can sew a smooth arc,
Use high-quality YKK zippers with corn eyes.
easily hooked on the bag or neck.
bag size can be grasped with one hand to increase the comfort of handling.
leather edges are smooth and rounded after being polished.
lighter this time. The original color of the skin adds texture, and
is unique as it gets darker and older!
1. Natural cow leather will have some scars and lines. Although it has tried to avoid obvious traces, small traces are inevitable. If you can accept it, you are welcome to buy it.
2. Avoid contact with water as much as possible. If immersed in water, do not heat or expose to the sun, and dry in a cool place.
3. Can use leather cleaning and maintenance oil for general maintenance in time.
4. It is normal for vegetable tanned cow leather to become darker and brighter after use.
5. The circle will be slightly deformed after being beaten and shaped. Although it has been prevented as much as possible, it is still not guaranteed to be a perfect circle, please understand.
"The Reason of Veather"
Veather"s idea
is a combination of Leather and designer Vic
and hopes to use the designer"s hand-made temperature
to give leather (Leather) more value (Value)
`` Veather dedication "
Veather keen hand-made leather
you get the goods are
full version of a hand painted, hand-dyed, hand-stitched, hand-made ingenuity
especially in Pidiao design
hope strike a balance between the traditional and the modern minimalist complex
a process and texture of both leather
It Veather the pursuit of value
"value Veather of"
years moist feeling after use is rare leather
also want to buy You can use Veather leather goods of your own value !!6814円レザーハンドバッグレザーハンドバッグ/ハンドメイドレザーコインケース/ゼロの财布財布・ケース・小物入れ6色から選べる カードポケット付きコインケース [楓舎] 小銭入れ 牛革製 手作り 革製品 [A-21]レザーハンドバッグレザーハンドバッグ/ハンドメイドレザーコイン
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STORY LEATHER sl-1 Chamberlin Petite 4FUN POUCH(ストーリーレザー チェンバリン プチ コインケース レザーウォレット)
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