日本語に翻訳 Interlaced series CROSS
leather cross-
CROSS series is cut directly in a soft leather and interlaced. With brass-colored hardware, it becomes a storage and decoration piece in life.
Product size
H8.5 x W23 xD 9cm / Suitable for soft-packed toilet paper.
__ Chrome Tanning __
CROSS series requires a large piece of leather, so it is made of chrome leather. Chrome suede has a stable leather surface and is soft and elastic relative to vegetable tanned skin. Chrome tanning is less prone to discoloration during use and is the material used in most leather products.
ZONE 272 is made of genuine leather to ensure the quality and durability of the product. Different colors of leather have slight differences in the process, and the touch is slightly different.
purchase considerations
1 The CROSS collection offers multi-color options, each with a tactile difference in leather.
2 Leather has the characteristics of water absorption and oil absorption, and the color and texture will naturally change with time.
3 The leather of this product is 100% handmade, so there is a difference in the shape of each product.
4 The leather of the product has natural texture and light color, which are normal.
5 If you can"t accept natural leather or hand-made unique lines, please place an order.
6 ZONE 272 does not provide a return service that cannot accept the natural texture of leather.
Due to the ZONE 272 part of the product, the process takes about 7-10 days (excluding shipping days). If you have pre-order or customized requirements, please ask us and confirm your order. Please place an order again, thank you.
instructions for international shipping
International shipping costs are more complicated, depending on the quantity and geographical area. Please contact us before you place an order.
Origin and design
Taiwan Taiwan6405円CROSSレザーペーパーカバー/ブラウンインテリア雑貨・生活道具ワックス ペーパー クロス 文庫本ブックカバー - 36 SubloCROSSレザーペーパーカバー/ブラウン ティッシュケース ZONE 272 通販 8クロス レザーカバー ダイアリー アンティーク
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