七五三髪飾り ちりめんせいこ
日本語に翻訳 The popular Sakura Sakura.
Color and size give a very elegant and refined impression.
For spring and summer, kimonos and yukatas that accompany you every day. Suitable for adults and girls as well.
This headdress is designed in a Japanese style, incorporating metal butterflies, crystals, and natural stones. It is Florencek Paradise"s unique and aesthetic style.
Size: 6cm x 9.6cm for the main body, 6cm x 15cm
This accessory is sold as a set of two.
Raw material cloth is limited in quantity, so while supplies last.
Jewelry Care Instructions~
*Accessories are fragile and should not be bent too much. Please wear them carefully to avoid heavy pressure. After wearing, it is recommended to put them back in the box for storage.
*Do not use any liquid maintenance or wipes, and avoid spraying accessories directly or in large quantities on hairdressing products.
*Copper is a natural metal, and it will undergo normal oxidation, including color, darkening or fading; the speed and degree of oxidation will vary according to the way of maintenance and storage.
*Place metal jewelry in a dry place, avoid moisture, and use a sealed bag to prevent snagging, collision, friction, extrusion and desiccant storage. Isolate the air and avoid rapid oxidation, which is also good for maintaining the state of the jewelry itself.
Please pay more attention to purchase:
*We make it carefully, but please note that because it is purely handmade, each size cannot be made exactly the same, please understand the uniqueness of handmade, and treat them gently, please do not Pull, press and wash vigorously to avoid deformation and damage to the jewelry.
*The color of the picture may look slightly different due to the difference of each screen.
*About material
Plated metal, copper wire, cloth, crystal, pearl7593円七五三髪飾り ちりめんせいこアクセサリー・ジュエリー髪飾り つまみ細工 ちりめん細工 七五三 希少 黒入荷! 60.0%OFF七五三髪飾り ちりめんせいこ ヘアピン FLORENCEKPARADISE 通販
七五三髪飾り ちりめんせいこ ヘアピン FLORENCEKPARADISE 通販
七五三髪飾り ちりめんせいこ ヘアピン FLORENCEKPARADISE 通販
七五三髪飾り ちりめんせいこ ヘアピン FLORENCEKPARADISE 通販
七五三髪飾り ちりめんせいこ ヘアピン FLORENCEKPARADISE 通販
七五三髪飾り ちりめんせいこ ヘアピン FLORENCEKPARADISE 通販
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