日本語に翻訳 表布:棉布> 裡布:TC布> 拉錬:YKK塑鋼拉鍊> 問號勾:金屬> 尺寸:袋身:長36 x 寬31 cm,背帶長度:108cm> 產地:台灣> 製造方式:手工製作◆◆ 未拆封七天猶豫期 ◆◆1. 我們提供「未拆封7天猶豫期」,猶豫期由您收到商品的隔天起計算,連續7天。2. 商品將會使用透明塑膠袋包裝,並封口。只要您沒有拆封,包裝沒有破壞損毀,商品完整如初,皆可於7天內退貨。3. 如欲退貨,請於貨到後7天內申請退款,並寄回商品,買方需負擔運費。4. 超過7天,即使沒有拆封仍視同購買,無法退貨退款。◆◆ 出貨說明及關稅需知 ◆◆1. 訂單成立後,約5個工作天出貨,不含例假日。若因訂單擁擠,無法於5天內出貨,我們將會主動與您聯絡。2. 若因面料絕版,無法製作出貨,我們會主動通知您並取消訂單。3. 各國進口關稅規定不一,建議您訂購前先查詢本地進口關稅率。若需支付進口關稅,將由買方支付。◆◆ 特別說明或注意事項 ◆◆1. 每一件作品皆是手工裁布、縫製,非工廠生產線產品,因此無法有絕對的工業生產標準。標示尺寸與實際尺寸會有些許誤差,不大於1公分。2. 棉、棉麻混紡、帆布等布料在水洗後會縮水1-2公分,此為自然現象,非材料瑕疵。3. 作品是在自然光之下拍照,因背景色及相機不同,照片上作品的顏色與光澤會與實品略有差異,我們會慎選接近原色的照片,並在文字敘述中盡可能說明清楚。4. 由於各廠牌手機、平板、電腦等螢幕顯示色皆不同,同一張照片在不同的裝置上會有色差,敬請了解。5. 若對作品有任何疑問,歡迎使用「聯絡創作人」溝通,我們將會竭誠回答您的提問。◆◆ 洗滌說明 ◆◆1. 可水洗,請用手洗,請勿機洗,請勿使用烘乾機。2. 將布包浸泡於稀釋的洗衣劑中,約十分鐘(請勿長時間浸泡)。再用按壓的方式清洗包包,特別髒污處請用刷子輕輕刷洗,請勿用力刷洗,以免傷及布料。3. 袋身若需漂白,請使用過碳酸鈉,不建議使用漂白水。4. 清洗乾淨後,請勿扭轉擰乾,以免產生皺褶,請將包包平放,用按壓的方式將水份排出。5. 晾掛時,可將內袋翻出來,以利晾乾。請置於陰涼通風處晾乾,避免陽光直射,以免布料老化。6. 棉布或帆布用水清洗後會自然起皺,可於晾掛時,稍微拉平包包。也可在晾乾後用熨斗整燙。"> Fear of getting dirty is the reason why everyone is afraid of white bags.
If you are afraid of this and that, your life will not move forward.
Bags can be washed if they are dirty. Even if life is muddy, you must move forward bravely.
◆◆ Product Introduction◆◆
▪ The raw-edged cloth strips show a casual style, and the white color is eye-catching.
▪ The cloth strips can be knotted arbitrarily, presenting a three-dimensional effect.
▪ The back width is 8.5 cm, which is soft and comfortable to carry. The length is fixed and cannot be adjusted.
▪ There are two pockets on the back for small items such as ticket cards and tissue paper.
▪ The inner pocket has a zip pocket for a long wallet. There is also a cell phone pocket and two pencil pockets.
▪ The question mark hook can tie the key, the key no longer sinks to the bottom of the bag and cannot be retrieved.
▪ This is a flat bag, the A4 file holder can be completely put in.
▪ This model is also available in black: https://tw.creema.net/item/12139265/detail
▪ This model is also available with a handle:
>Black handle: https://tw.creema.net/item /12139226/detail
>White handle: https://tw.creema.net/item/12139374/detail
◆◆Material and size◆◆
> Top cloth: Cotton
> Lining: TC cloth
> Pull: YKK plastic steel zipper
> Question mark hook: Metal
> Size: Bag body: L 36 x W 31 cm, Strap length: 108 cm
> Origin: Taiwan
> Manufacturing method: Handmade
Hesitation Period◆◆
1. We provide a "7-day hesitation period for unopened packages", which is calculated from the day after you receive the item, and lasts for 7 consecutive days.
2. The product will be packed in a transparent plastic bag and sealed. As long as you do not open the package, the packaging is not damaged, and the product is intact, you can return it within 7 days.
3. If you want to return the goods, please apply for a refund within 7 days after the arrival of the goods, and send the goods back, and the buyer shall bear the freight.
4. If it is more than 7 days, it is still regarded as a purchase even if it is not opened, and it cannot be returned for a refund.
◆◆ Shipping Instructions and Customs Notice◆◆
1. After the order is placed, it will be shipped in about 5 working days, excluding holidays. If the order cannot be shipped within 5 days due to crowded orders, we will take the initiative to contact you.
2. If the fabric is out of print and cannot be produced and shipped, we will take the initiative to notify you and cancel the order.
3. Different countries have different import tariff regulations. It is recommended that you check the local import tariff rate before ordering. If import duties are payable, it will be paid by the buyer.
◆◆ Special Instructions or Precautions◆◆
1. Each piece is hand-cut and sewn, not a factory production line product, so there is no absolute industrial production standard. There will be a slight error between the marked size and the actual size, not more than 1 cm.
2. Cotton, cotton and linen blends, canvas and other fabrics will shrink by 1-2 cm after washing. This is a natural phenomenon, not a material defect.
3. The work is taken under natural light. Due to the difference in the background color and camera, the color and gloss of the work on the photo will be slightly different from the real product. We will carefully select the photo that is close to the original color and explain it as much as possible in the text description. clear.
4. Due to the different screen colors of mobile phones, tablets, and computers of various brands, the same photo may have color differences on different devices, so please understand.
5. If you have any questions about the work, please use "Contact Creator" to communicate, we will answer your questions wholeheartedly.
◆◆ Washing Instructions◆◆
1. Washable, please hand wash, not machine wash, do not use dryer.
2. Soak the cloth bag in diluted laundry detergent for about ten minutes (do not soak for a long time). Then use the pressing method to clean the bag, especially the dirty place, please use a brush to gently scrub, do not scrub hard, so as not to hurt the fabric.
3. If the bag body needs to be bleached, please use sodium percarbonate instead of bleaching water.
4. After cleaning, do not twist and wring it dry to avoid wrinkles. Please lay the bag flat and squeeze out the water.
5. When hanging, the inner bag can be turned out to facilitate drying. Please put it in a cool and ventilated place to dry, avoid direct sunlight, so as not to age the fabric.
6. Cotton or canvas will naturally wrinkle after being washed with water, you can slightly flatten the bag when hanging it. It can also be ironed after drying.8225円生エッジクロスバッグ/ホワイト/バックストラップバッグ・カバン楽天市場】\限定クーポンで6生エッジクロスバッグ/ホワイト/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ホワイト/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ホワイト/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ホワイト/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ブラック/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ブラック/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ブラック/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ブラック/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ブラック/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ブラック/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ブラック/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
生エッジクロスバッグ/ブラック/バックストラップ ショルダーバッグ
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公式】BONAVENTURA (ボナベンチュラ) – ミラノ発の高級本革製品を身近に
楽天市場】カメラケース カメラポーチ「sacoa」カラーオーダー 日本製
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