日本語に翻訳 Can hold 8 cards and change pockets. There are also interlayers with banknotes.
cute cat shape will make the cat slaves melt ~~
You can also customize different color cat long clips 唷
waxed leather will slowly slowly after use The original leather color is revealed!
will change slowly with time 唷 ~
If you have other colors, you can also discuss with the onion flower 唷!
/ size specifications /
full leather
阖 is 9x20CM
with a dust bag
/ intimate reminder /
leather itself may form some scars due to animal growth process. Wrinkles. Stains. Texture differences are normal, if The situation is too serious to avoid the work, but it cannot be flawless, and the work also has their unique look.
Sewing products with two hands is slower than ordinary machine sewing. It has to go through the processes of double needle sewing and polishing and trimming, so the working day is always more than 7 days. If there is no order before, it will be produced for you as soon as possible! Friends who love onion flowers wait patiently!
Each piece is created with 100% intention. On the order of remittances, guests start making, so we do not accept returns due to personal preferences ~~ It is recommended to order Communication ~ Thank you !!
product image will be different due to the color of each computer. The actual product color is the main color.
/ How to use and maintain /
Leather will gradually develop a rich and shiny feeling over time and the temperature in your hands
encounter water, try to dry it with a dry cloth and do not expose to direct sunlight
Works of onion flowers are welcome to type for free ( (English or number) about 8-10, please specify when ordering!
Origin / manufacturing methods
Taiwan handmade8225円ワックスパウダーパウダーキャットシェイプロングクリップ_ハンドステッチレザー財布・ケース・小物入れclassificados.acheiusa.com - MODEROID リューナイトコレクション手作りの野菜なめした革長いクリップ 長財布 蔥之花 通販|Creema
ビーズ・アクセサリーパーツ販売|Parts Club(パーツクラブ)
classificados.acheiusa.com - 裏引き付き七宝キーホルダー素材、七宝
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Coucou Suzette】Persian Cat Hair Claw -Meow collection インポート
楽天市場】シーリングワックス用 スタンプ ダイカット 猫シェイプ
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