ジニア手作り樹脂クレイフラワーボールマーメイドシルバーイヤリング - パミカリー手作りジュエリー
日本語に翻訳 "The blue legend of the mermaid."
"Fairytale of Mermaid"
DetailsProduct Details Product details ♡
Size | Size:
total length of the earrings is 6.5cm and the diameter of the flower ball is about 2.5cm.
Length of earrings 6.5cm,diameter of bouquet 2.5cm .
-decolorization | Anti-sensitive
Fading Resistant | Anti-allergy
♡Materials Material Description ♡
Beadsmith sterling silver wire imported from USA | Silver-plated nylon film copper | Japanese import MGB Beads | Resin Clay | UV Adhesives
American Bead Smith Silver Wire | Nylon Baked Silver Copper | Japan MGB Bead | Resin Clay | UV Glue
♡ Packaging ♡
All products are packaged in fine wooden boxes.
All products will be nicely and carefully packed in our wooden box.
♡ Customized Tailormade♡
All kinds of customisation are available at Pamycarie. (color, type, style, size, etc.)
We welcome all kinds of guests To make orders, all details can be changed and customized. If necessary, please contact through the website or email, or visit the special shop in K11 in Tsim Sha Tsui.
Please contact our staff via chatbox / email or visit our offline store.
Address: Pamycarie, Shop B218, B2 Floor, K11, 18 Hanoi Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong
♡Introduction About Pamycarie ♡
Time consuming, Create unique styles with your hands.
city is so crowded. Everybody has a similar day. Modern people are looking for ways to show their personal style. Jewelry is our stage. We uphold two concepts: beautiful and unique, so we have always insisted on designing and making products ourselves. We also welcome customization, choosing the most beautiful flowers with the most beautiful colors, and we hope that everyone can find their own beauty.
♡ALL Handmade in Hong Kong♡10282円ジニア手作り樹脂クレイフラワーボールマーメイドシルバーイヤリング - パミカリー手作りジュエリーアクセサリー・ジュエリー 樹脂ジニア手作り樹脂クレイフラワーボールマーメイドシルバーイヤリング
誕生日・記念日 ピアス(フック・チェーン) の人気通販|Creema
バレンタイン ピアス の人気通販|Creema(クリーマ) 国内最大の
受注制作】中国風花アジサイ ピアス ポリマークレイ 花 イヤリング
受注制作】ホワイトアジサイ ピアス ポリマークレイ 花 イヤリング
コストコ サーフボード 5ft8in nikkoturismo.com.br
パール アクセサリー・ジュエリー の人気通販|Creema(クリーマ) 国内
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