日本語に翻訳 Taiwan cedar is what the aborigines of the
people in Taiwan call "the tree that hit the moon", because it is the tallest tree in East Asia. materials, and redesigning the traces of the common people"s life in the past is also the reliance of Lelemu"s design culture in recent years.
Taiwan cedar is also the only wood species named after Taiwan. It presents a simple shape with the traditional wooden box shape plus key piece mortise joint and planted leather strap. The wooden box has two sizes, wide version and narrow version. Consumers can choose different sizes for use. The wooden box itself can be used on a single layer or stacked on two layers. The belt can be adjusted to suit the conditions of use. This is also one of the
considered in the design. Acacia wood, Acacia wood is hard and tough, and it is not easy to process. In the early days, it was often used to grow shiitake mushrooms and make telephone poles. This time we are looking for hard-won acacia wood, hoping to make the entire wooden box use domestic materials
I also hope that friends who like domestic materials can like
has won one of the winning works of the 2020 Forestry Bureau domestic material design
19cm(L) 13.5cm(W) 14cm(H) (Double-layer stacking size)
How to use and maintain /
Do not put in dishwasher, dishwasher, microwave oven to avoid deformation, can be used when cleaning Soft
with a sponge, put it in a dry place, and use practical oils such as olive oil to maintain it on
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ボラ卵台湾モミ-木箱二重層(ワイドバージョン) 弁当箱・ランチ
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ボラ卵台湾モミ-木箱二重層(ワイドバージョン) 弁当箱・ランチ
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