日本語に翻訳 如果只是輕微發霉,可以先用乾布擦拭,並使用酒精擦拭一次,在使用保養油保養一次收藏在通風處即可!<皮革說明>真皮為天然產品,有破皮蟲斑傷疤或顏色深淺,此為天然現象並非瑕疵品.由於用戶的電腦設定不同,實際商品與圖像中商品,有可能出現部分的差異,請於理解上述事項後再購買."> For purchases over 3,000 yuan, a mobile phone collection line will be given as a gift.
Although the structure is simple, but it has a sense of presence, let"s replace the tissue with fashionable clothes!
All-vegetable leather made by Tempesti, a member of the Italian Vegetable Tanning Association, based on high-quality cowhide kip leather benz, adding nearly twice as much oil as usual to the oil drum finish of the empty Taiko, dyed with 100% dye The silver finish lends it the texture of a polished jute sack. It is a material that has undergone many processes, and it is finished by applying wax, and as the wax gradually wears away as it continues to be used, you can enjoy the aging effect that the color becomes darker and the color darkens, and the gloss increases at the same time. At present, the domestic red has been sold out, so buy it quickly, and there are not many left.
Material: Italian vegetable tanned bed leather
Dimensions: Length 24cmx Width 12cmx Height 5.5cm
If it is only slightly moldy, you can wipe it with a dry cloth first, and wipe it with alcohol once,
Use maintenance oil for maintenance once and store it in a ventilated place!
Genuine leather is a natural product, there are broken skin, insect spots, scars or color depth, this is a natural phenomenon and not a defective product.
Due to the user"s Different computer settings, there may be some differences between the actual product and the product in the image,
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