日本語に翻訳 One-piece dress and blouse
The first choice for bathing in the water spa / generous and noble
Create a perfect
Lead the trend‧Lead the trend
season of swimming and playing is finally here ,
Hurry up and call your friends and acquaintances, let’s play in the water together!
★ woman with bikini swimsuit, playing in the water before and after swimming, leisure wear can
★ charming charming halter design ‧
★ cover bare shoulders sexy underwear ‧
★ the MIT-Taiwan manufacturing 290 839
material: Nylon 82%
***************************************** *****************
**The size table is in the last picture**
Women’s swimwear bust waist circumference
unit: inches
* ************************************************** *******
"Introduction to the Design Pavilion"
We are a MIT Taiwan brand, mainly operating in B2B and B2C. Since its establishment, it has been pursuing the corporate tenet of "Quality First, Sustainable Management", especially the consistent operation of design, production, packaging and sales of swimwear in Taiwan, which is the best quality guarantee. In 2000, the nation’s first anti-temperature was created. Chlorine-resistant SPA swimsuits are made of brand-new materials and give consumers a "three-month" warranty that will never be slack. They also use a large number of imported fabrics, and their styles are even more colorful. Research and innovation, thinking about "product trends, how to truly meet the long-term needs of consumers".
company has been actively leading the development of new concepts of composite new fiber sports and health protection products, and combined with online marketing and other sales methods to promote it. During the transformation of the industrial structure, it has actively participated in the department store tour of Smile MIT products by the Ministry of Economic Affairs. World Trade Fair, etc. In recent years, it has entered the department store channel, and the customer base is getting younger and younger, and the consumer group with the concept of sports and health care is the main consumer group.
"Swimwear, wearable protective gear accessories and underwear are private skin-friendly products" The "appreciation period" of online shopping is not the "free trial period", and the following circumstances will not provide return services:
• The clothing is obvious Wear marks after use.
• The product has traces of dirt or peculiar smell after use (pet hair, perfume or other fragrance smell.
• The product has been treated irreversibly and washed with the following water.
• Accessories (such as cups) or gifts Missing items.
• When applying for the return service, please restore the product to the original packaging condition when you received it.
• If you need to return or exchange the goods for cross-international orders instead of defects, the international shipping fee will be charged when refunding.
wash by standard card instructions
30 degrees wash water temperature
should be dried / non-dry / Do not bleach / non-drying
recommendations back into the laundry bag or soft wash gently rub cleaning
style and color of the product to The actual product shall prevail (the pictures on the Internet are for reference only)
Origin/manufacturing method
Taiwan MIT
仕様・特長項目名 詳細 手洗い 可6745円MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウスファッションサイドリボンVネックワンピース【miette ミエット】[品番:TV000014372MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウス - ショップ Moのニーナあなたの
MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウス - ショップ Moのニーナあなたの
MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウス - ショップ Moのニーナあなたの
MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウス - ショップ Moのニーナあなたの
MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウス - ショップ Moのニーナあなたの
MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウス その他ファッション 莫妮娜
MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウス - ショップ Moのニーナあなたの
MITワンピースドレスアウターブラウス - ショップ Moのニーナ
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