日本語に翻訳 Material sterling silver (customized brass or K gold)
first sakura is moving, the scent is
, the leaves are not bud, the safflower is already shining.
cherry blossoms are short and beautiful,
becomes a jewelry on the hand, and
lets the cherry blossoms bloom in your hands.
takes 7 to 14 business days for each custom customization. Please be patient. Thank you
Size is about 3x3cm
▸Step 1
Prepare a line or use a tape measure to use it directly !
▸Step 2
Take a pencil and make a mark around your finger.
▸Step 3
Level the tape measure or line and measure the control scale with a ruler to get the circumference of the inner circumference.
1. The best way to maintain silverware is to wear it every day, because the body oil can give the silverware a natural and lustrous luster.
2. When wearing silver, do not wear other precious metal jewelry at the same time to avoid collision deformation or scratches and scratches.
3. Keep the silverware dry and never get close to the hot springs. When not in use, wipe the surface with cotton or tissue, remove moisture and dirt, and place it in a sealed bag or box to avoid contact with air.
4. If you notice signs of yellowing on the silver, the easiest way is to use a toothpaste with some water to lightly wash the surface, or use a small jewel brush to clean the sew of the silver jewelry, then wipe the surface with a silver cloth, and immediately Can restore the original beautiful.
5. The silverware is yellow and serious. It should not be too long to be soaked in silver-washed water. It is usually washed out with water after a few seconds, then blotted with tissue paper. (This maintenance method is recommended for professional people to operate)7213円百花シリーズ春-さくらアクセサリー・ジュエリーしだれ桜、ソメイヨシノが満開間近。百花繚乱の季節到来 | 公益財団商品詳細 | milpoche
商品詳細 | milpoche
さくら百花(林弥栄, 戸井田道三 著) / 古書追分コロニー / 古本、中古
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百花繚乱 桜たち - 春夏秋冬 花 mikio
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