日本語に翻訳 Arcadia Treasure Wonderland Series·Chapter 3·Chrόnos
The image is a centaur holding a bow, representing faith and freedom
The twelve constellations of time pendant (the pendant can be purchased alone or together with the necklace)
- Material: Brass thickly plated with 18K gold (anti-allergic and nickel-free)
- Dimensions: length and width about 3*2.5cm
necklace with rope chain
Wearing position is about the chest under the clavicle, with both ends of the chain Exquisite trademark small tag
- Necklace size: 18 inches / 45cm + 5cm adjustable extension chain
- Designed and manufactured in Taiwan
Chrόnos Shaoguang
The design of the "Arcadia" series is inspired by the Peloponnese in ancient Greek mythology The paradise of Arcadia.
Χρόνος / Chrόnos means "time" and is also the god in charge of time in Greek mythology.
Following the travelers in the green valleys and rivers and mountains, in the third chapter of Arcadia we come to the horizon.
The Babylonians saw the stars dancing with the sun, with regular circular trajectories, and the oldest mysticism was born. The Greeks on the east coast of the Mediterranean inherited this custom and continued it in the theaters and battlefields of Mount Olympus. Tell these legends and astrology.
The constellation pendant is the most classic jewelry. THRIVE Fansheng read the historical data this time and used hand-drawn design drafts. Individual pieces were carved from wax embryos and then cast in molds. Each gold coin-like round cake pendant has an independent half-human and half-animal pattern corresponding to the twelve zodiac signs. It is a mixture of cultures from the Minoan Bronze and Archaic periods, and the Classical period when the Peloponnese fell into conflict and reorganization. feature.
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