日本語に翻訳 Visible City · [design]
sacred geometry, various angles, points, lines, and the golden ratio (1: 1.618) can construct a variety of different geometries.
925 sterling silver / wide 6mm, thickness 2mm / adjustable from 18 ~ 24cm, if you have special needs, please let me know the size Oh!
[Visible City · Packaging]
gift pack includes / suede bag / warranty card / silver polishing cloth / architecture blueprint textured outer bag
[Visible City · one teaching]
for metal craft love, hope that one way of teaching, so that students can absorb more in-depth discussion. There are single hall, basic courses (8), friends who are interested, please search FB: Visible City Inquire Oh!
[Visible City · with the US]
We encourage guests often wear through the human sebum on silver excellent protection, it exudes naturally moist sheen. Packaging Enclosed silver polishing cloth, wipe making jewelry can restore luster. But bathing, hot springs should not wear, avoid chemical discoloration.
[inspiration] Visible City ·
"Visible City original design inspiration from Yita Er Kaerweinuo" Invisible Cities ", the true presence, and in the real world city." Invisible city "is through a dialogue with the Marco Polo Kublai Khan introduced a lot of fantasy, there is no real city. the book was an Italian traveler Marco Polo, Kublai Khan and the Western city, knowledge, technology, geography has a lot of curiosity, all the West have made him extremely fascinating. therefore, Kublai Khan, Marco Polo desire to continue to describe these various cities he had never been to satisfy their curiosity. "
" Visible city creative themes to the city as architecture, which is derived from the operation of the emotional spirit of a city, under the framework of "building", the "people" is the main operator. Even in the most chaotic generation, most dilapidated city, on break, wandering, courage, rebirth stories always attract people"s attention, because we are convinced that deep down, people, the sense of not only fragile, but strong force ! "
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1940s】U.S.N.R. WWII ID ブレスレット 《シルバー925 アメリカ海軍
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【R-days代官山】S~LLサイズ ボリューム感あるシルバーカラーのソリッドチェーン ブレスレット
SPECIAL / 1940s】TIFFANY&Co. ティファニー U.S.N.R. WWII ID
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16個のチャームのヴィンテージシルバーブレスレット | アンティーク
12/17(土)発売】STUDIO SEVENジュエリーコレクションからリング
Bizarre/ビザール【限定販売商品】The seven deadly sins series Sloth
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スタジオ セブン初のジュエリーコレクション、“7 クロス
【R-days代官山】S~LLサイズ ボリューム感あるシルバーカラーのソリッドチェーン ブレスレット
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VINTAGE】TIFFANY&Co. ティファニー ID ブレスレット 《シルバー925
ミャオ族 銀細工 透かし シルバー999 ヴィンテージ加工 フィリグリー
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12/17(土)発売】STUDIO SEVENジュエリーコレクションからリング
CLANATE】シルバーバングル(ブレスレット・バングル)|SLOBE IENA