日本語に翻訳 [Turquoise], commonly known as the Turkish stone, is one of the earliest mined gemstones. The change from sky blue to green depends on the iron and copper content inside the ore.
In Tibet, turquoise is a gem that can protect the journey of life and bring luck. It can gather wealth, avoid evil, and prevent accidents. It is generally considered to be the most ideal collection and the world-recognized lucky stone.
[Turquoise Care]
To keep the turquoise color smooth, when wearing turquoise jewelry, it is best to keep a distance from cosmetics, perfumes, etc., so as not to damage the gemstone jewelry. Due to the porous porosity of the turquoise, it is important to avoid the use of heavy liquid to measure the density when identifying, because tribromomethane and diiodomethane will discolor the turquoise.
Turquoise color is delicate and afraid of pollution. Avoid contact with tea, soapy water, oil, rust and alcohol to prevent discoloration of gemstones. Turquoise is afraid of high temperature, can not be directly fired and direct sunlight, so as to avoid fading, cracking, and cracking.
Turquoise is small in hardness and brittle. It should be rubbed against other hard objects and should be worn when worn. It is recommended to wipe the sweat and stains with a dry cloth after wearing them at regular intervals, and wipe them with baby oil at regular intervals.
** This green pine rice bead mine is sparsely populated. The original ore is mined and the mineral is special. It can"t be polished like ordinary ore, only the sharp edges and corners are treated slightly. Wearing a plate for a while will be more oily and shiny.
**14K gold-plated technology is the latest copper processing method. The copper jewelry is wrapped with a layer of real gold of not less than 5%. It can last for a long time.
**Green pine ore millet beads are about 6~8mm / Black Shuzhu beads 2mm hand circumference
**Bracelet straightened with hooks about 17cm (additional chain 2cm)
*Wax line can change the specified color
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