手染め∞桑シルクスカーフ ●36×180cm -A51-
日本語に翻訳 Natural Hand Dyed Silk Scarf
∞ Mulberry Silk Scarf
- A 51 - Hi Universe
● 180 x 36 cm
● 100% Silk. 100% Mulberry silk scarf
● Soft earth tones, water-based pencil texture.
● Natural Hand Dyed with Kerria Lacca. Indigo hand-dyed.
● Earth tones, water color texture.
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【Hand-dyed ∞ Mulberry Silk Scarf Wash Care】
● Dissolve a little neutral lotion in cold water and wash gently by hand alone .
● Gently hand wash in cold water with Natural neutral detergent.
● Towel dry and dry indoors.
● Roll on a towel to blot then Drying indoor.
◎ It is a normal phenomenon that the color of vegetation fades slightly in water.
◎ It"s normally would has a slight retreat in water when wash.
★ Iron on low temperature. Store away from light.
★ Low-heat setting for ironing. Store out of sunlight.
Silk scarves use natural dyeing materials, and different acid-base cleaning agents will change the hue.
Silk scarf dyeing by natural materials which maight change color in different pH cleaning agents.
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【 Payment & Shipping 】
● Offer Combined Shipping.
★ Gift Wrapping Free.
★ Package and Ready to ship in 1-2 business days after payment.
★ This creation will be shipped by carefully packaging, and make sure to arrive in pristine condition.
❢❢ Depending on receiver"s local import regulations, international parcels might have customs import charges. ❢❢
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Used dyeing materials can be composted and returned to the earth.
dyed and washed water can be used to irrigate plants and flow into rivers.
Plants share their colors and return to nature.
Man and everything are in balance. Planet Studio.
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❤ Welcome to inquire about the method of "self-made vegetable dyeing".
❤ Participate in Planet Studio Caomu Dyeing ●● creative learning.
All we are the light of the world
#EarthFriendly #NaturalDyed #SilkScarf #Indigo #Blue #草木染#皮丝层#活报染#Circular Economy X Life Practice#Sustainable LifeNew Proposition #ChemicalFree #PlanetStudio33 #Gaia#Mother7118円手染め∞桑シルクスカーフ ●36×180cm -A51-ファッションSHOWROOM(ショールーム) | ライブ配信サービス植物と木手染め∞桑絹スカーフ36x 180cm-A75- スカーフ・バンダナ
植物と木手染め∞桑絹スカーフ36x 180cm-A75- スカーフ・バンダナ
植物と木手染め∞桑絹スカーフ36x 180cm-A75- スカーフ・バンダナ
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