日本語に翻訳 ★ Mostly made by hand, so the quantity of each product is not much, please ask the shipping time before buying, do not accept urgent items, there will be differences in taking pictures, do n’t mind the subscript.
★ There will be pores on the surface of the dermis. Lines. Vessels and other spots and traces. There is a slight difference in the texture of natural original skin scars, folds and textures. If you have no time to buy, please consider bidding again.
★ Unless the product has major defects, please do not return the product due to wrong color (or color difference between the screen and the monitor), dislike, wrong purchase, gap with expectation, etc.! Please confirm the buyer before buying!
★ Waterproof and antifouling in daily use, avoid contact with hard objects, and be more careful of hard objects.
★ Small areas of stains and scratches to avoid the main, after normal use will fade and become a unique mark of the individual.
● Product description
2 large storage layers (can hold banknotes or invoices)
12-layer card mezzanine
1 Grain chain pocket
Table cloth: Italian vegetable tanned leather-coffee
Lining: MIT cotton
● Size
Approximately 20.5 cm long and 11 cm wide
● Material
cowhide, MIT cotton
● Use and maintenance methods
1. When using leather products, pay attention to moisture and waterproof
2. It should be placed in a ventilated place when not used for a period of time , Try not to use plastic bags and other things to seal the leather bag for collection.6745円ベジタブルタンニングレザー/クラシックロングクリップ/長財布/長財布/小銭入れ-コーヒー財布・ケース・小物入れ本革 クラシックレザー Lジップ 長財布 - Add+(アッドプラス)何気ない日常にも身に着けたくなる商品をご提案ベジタブルタンニングレザー/クラシックロングクリップ/長財布/長財布
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