日本語に翻訳 Parent-Child Dinosaur Cloak Kids
Unique tooth pocket design
is a small idea from the designer
Plain and simple shades
Can give you a low-key but playful
Parent-child dinosaur cloak
Let the
family be with you The parent-child period
left a lot of memories
/ suitable for height /
90 cm (70-100 cm) - newborn ~ about 95 cm tall can be worn as a cape jacket, as the height and weight increase, can continue to be used as a shawl use. Newborns can use
120 cm - about 100-125 cm in height and can be used as a cape coat. With the increase in height and weight, you can continue to use it as a shawl.
140 cm - about 130-150 cm in height can be used as a shawl Cloak jackets can be used as shawls as their height and weight increase.
The above reference values are based on the average height and weight of young children, and the actual wearer should still choose the size.
/Material /
washed cotton 、Organic cotton
Japanese snap button
/ Cleaning /
Handmade products are recommended to be gently cleaned separately, and hand-
at low temperature with a neutral detergent.
can avoid shortening the product life
Sex Cleaner
The product is shot due to light, etc., and it is impossible to grasp the color output of each computer and mobile phone, which may cause a little color difference, please understand
/ Origin / Manufacturing method /
Handmade in Taiwan
/ Brand Story /
Island, is our home, Taiwan. Forest, three trees, a forest, the forest is the barrier to protect the island and the guard to guard the home.
use natural materials as the main
to render its unique beauty and
for the concept of friendly land Backed, long-lasting taste style.
In the fast-developing world,
give yourself a better quality of life, a slower pace, and less waste.
After the birth of her daughter, she focused on designing fine handmade children"s clothing. The design is based on the combination of beauty and childishness, aiming to establish children"s visual aesthetics, baby fabric products that are neither too naive nor too adult-like, as well as occasional interesting parent-child clothes.6745円シマモリハウス/恐竜マント/ポケット/ブルー×レッドベビー・キッズシマモリハウス/恐竜マント/恐竜砂漠バトルキャンプ - ショップシマモリハウス/恐竜マント/ポケット/ブルー×レッド 子供服 島森家
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シマモリハウス/恐竜マント/ポケット/ブルー×レッド 子供服 島森家
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