日本語に翻訳 Alashan cat, bowknot design bracelet hand circumference 16.5-17cm
Alashan cat 15.5x15.6x9.3mm
Alashan bow 17.3x13.6x9mm
milkshake Alashan pearl 8-mic high porcelain
Alashan agate アゲート Alashan Agate
Alxa agate is a kind of Gobi stone. It is mainly produced in the Alashan area of Inner Mongolia, China. "Alashan" means colorful in Mongolian, which describes the color of this kind of jade very aptly. The texture is shiny and moist, and after the skin is weathered, it is delicate and smooth, crystal clear, with gorgeous colors and different shapes.
Gobi Alashan is produced in Mongolia, Xinjiang and other places. It is the product of submarine volcanic eruption and rapid cooling 150 million to 300 million years ago. The original stone of art Lazi has attracted people"s attention for its natural, ingenious and gorgeous appearance. Its gorgeous shape and rich colors are irreplaceable among all gems and jades, and it has become a new favorite in the collection industry in recent years. In addition, it is rare to be unearthed naturally, and it is a non-renewable precious resource. It has extremely high value-added potential and artistic value, attracting countless collectors.
The hardness of diamonds is 9-10 on the Mohs scale, and the hardness of Alxa is 6.5 to 7 degrees, up to 7.8 degrees. This stone is as hard as jade. Alxa"s appearance is mostly wrapped in natural jade skin, which is irregular and transparent like pebbles. The leather does not need to be polished to have a natural beauty of the original ecology, and the color is clear and rich.
The Montenegrin agate recognized in the collection market belongs to chalcedony that experienced volcanic magma eruption, and then was formed by alternating cold and hot wind erosion. The Dongpo flesh-shaped stone in the Palace Museum is a masterpiece of the earth made by Alashan.
The surface of agate and colored jade in Alxa is smooth and clear, and the yellow, white, red, ocher, blue, purple and gray each show their beauty and brilliance. Some agates are symbiotic with bright red jaspers, or black jaspers are grown on milky white agates...a variety of colors are intertwined to form some unique and novel patterns.
has experienced hundreds of millions of years of wind and sand, absorbing the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, and can be called the earth relic. It can attract wealth, ward off evil spirits, and keep you safe. It contains multiple trace elements, among which iron can replenish blood and nourish the skin. Long-term playing and wearing are good for health, and it also has the effect of anti-radiation. According to the collectors, matter has the so-called law of indestructibility, and Alxa touches like the resonance effect of crystal energy.
中国では「伝説のパワーストーン」とも呼ばれており, いいいいいいややすージュ, パープルなど, るらかい色が特徴です.
アゲートは、日本では【Agate (メノウ)】と听ばれます.
このアゲートが收される areaはHundreds of millions of years agoは海だったと言われています. Fire-breathing の及に冷冷されたことによりできた鉱物だそうです.ちなみにアゲート(agate)とは, オパールやquartz (クォーツ达など)がigneous rockやaccumulated rockの hollow partに layeredに永宿してできた鉱物の変种です.
Fine な crystal の crystallization が集まってできた石で、岩の婴や切れ目に入り込んだgroundwaterからformationされます.
アラシャンアゲートは、人の縁をつなぐ石と言われます.持ち主の心に优しさと安らぎを and えてくれて洛ち着いて动ができることでHuman relationship is goodに进む、そんな一连のサポートをしてれるストーンです.
アゲートの石言葉の中にある, sharing, harmony, health, longevity nado no ように, 縁を导いてれたり, うまく周りとsymbiosis させてれたり.自分が楽しく过ごせるような人との縁をつないでくれると思います.5723円天然アラシャン猫デザインハンドビーズブレスレットアラシャンアゲートブレスレットアラシャンアゲートアクセサリー・ジュエリーアラシャン祝福の言葉ベル猫デザインブレスレット - ショップ Megumi天然アラシャン猫デザインハンドビーズブレスレットアラシャン
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