日本語に翻訳 / "Island Research Institute" /
This small brand comes from a famous small island in Hong Kong. The designers created are two indigenous residents who are born and raised in Cheung Chau. Because they want to bring the story of this island to everyone, they created this creative brand in the island. The experimental workshops are inspired by the ideas of everyday life, and the unique products that aim to create different plans are sold in various places.
/ Salt flower bag /
The salt flower left behind after the waves are beaten by the waves...
This is the third project of the island"s research institute: "The Observer at the Beach" is one of the new products.
In the planning we want to express our feelings about the sea in two different angles.
Chapter 1 is more external. Since we are not fishermen"s families, it is more superficial to the sea. We can only observe objects and use the body to feel. Therefore, the object image observed by one person standing on the beach is the main element.
wave and salt is the element of the first chapter.
The salt flower bag is the texture of the hand-printed salt flower on the thick canvas, and then the real leather leather rope, the load is heavy and durable. The leather shoulder strap for the shoulders also makes you comfortable and reliable.
Available in dark blue, beige and black!
and a three-color salt flower bag version.
/ Size, Specifications /
Height: 23cm
Deep: 19cm
Wide: 21cm
/ Material /
canvas, leather leather5723円黒の得点塩フラワーバッグ(塩まで)バッグ・カバン楽天市場】とみおかクリーニング オリジナル粉末洗剤 フラワー楽天市場】〔ポイント20倍〕在庫限り( デイズイン ブルーム ガーデン
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