(税込) 送料込み
日本語に翻訳 ▲Kashmir is close to the Himalayas. In order to fight against the special cold climate, boiled wool is a delicate craft developed by Kashmir using the local natural environment. The local altitude is high and the boiling point of water is low. , Soak in the melting plateau snow water, then heat to boil. When the sun goes down in the evening, the wool products are dried in the moonlight. After the repeated work, the products can not only remove some impurities, but the wool shrinks and the fibers are closer together. Finally, they are hand-woven and embroidered by women. Pieces of fabrics with unique colors and embroidery methods
▲I like the sound of the shuttle hitting the wooden slats when weaving. There is always a simple sense of tranquility. It is made by traditional Himalayan handmade techniques.
▲The simple temperature of the hand, The top-level and delicate wool does not tie the skin, which is a good choice for skin-friendly and warmth.
▲Three-dimensional hand embroidery, each color is unique, the details can be seen
▲Fresh colors, more convenient to match
▲Edges Feel the fringe, the material is comfortable and warm.
▲According to the good mood of the day, you can have a variety of circumvention methods
▲Let the shawl take good care of you, no longer catch a cold in winter, you can also use it in the office air-conditioned room
▲With a hand feeling Embroidered shawls to travel the world! It is also a creative gift for autumn and winter.
▲With a hand-feeling carton packaging, it is also very convenient for you to give gifts.
▲Washable, it is recommended to wash by hand, machine wash requires a laundry bag
100% Himalayas Kashmir Wool
70 X 180 cm (handmade products, the size may vary slightly)
▲Recommended cleaning method
1-Put an appropriate amount of washing powder in a plastic tub, adjust it evenly with warm water, and put the scarf flat in water In the basin, open your hands and press hard for two to thirty times to allow the washing powder solution to pass through the gaps between the scarf fibers so that the fibers will not entangle with each other.
2-The same method is used for washing with water until the scarf is clean.
3-Dry the scarf. When drying the scarf, spread it flat on a towel or drying rack, and dry it naturally in the shade, because ultraviolet rays will make the wool yellow.8526円クリスマスギフト交換ギフトバレンタインデーギフト新年ギフト誕生日ギフトボイルウールショール/ニットスカーフ/刺繍スカーフ/カシミファッション楽天市場】ギフトセット ストール&手袋 レディース 【名入れ 可能クリスマスギフト交換ギフトバレンタインデーギフト新年ギフト誕生日
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