日本語に翻訳 小型背包,適合放置手機,零錢,小雜物。>使用口金而有獨特的設計感。>能依照購買者的需求作牛皮染色,或協助購買者配色。>若需要背帶設計也能做調整(肩背包、手提包、手拿包)也請與設計師討論。>商品皆為手染,因此無法機器一樣非常均勻。>商品皆為手工裁切,縫製。手縫的溫度勝過機器,每一件商品都獨一無二。>尺寸:上方開口約 12cm*7.5cm 11cm(H) 底部尺寸約14.5cm*8.5cm>顏色歡迎來信討論>制作時間約為3星期,提前完成即會提前寄出,實際狀況請與設計師討論。>每張皮革表面紋路及毛細孔都不同,但卻也顯得這件收藏品的獨一無二。>手染的效果每張會有少許出入,以實際狀況為準,介意者請勿購買或是選擇原色產品。"> The use of imported vegetable tanned cow leather production, leather because of the longer time-use and develop their own unique color, the color of each person after use are different.
> small backpack for placing mobile phones, coins, small debris.
> Use export gold and a unique sense of design.
> can make leather dyed in accordance with the needs of buyers, or assist buyers color.
> If you need to adjust the strap design can do (shoulder bag, handbag, clutch) Please also discuss with the designer.
> Goods are all hand-dyed, and therefore can not be the same as the machine is very uniform.
> Goods are all hand-cut, sewn. Sew temperature than machines, each item is unique.
> Size: over the opening of about 12cm * 7.5cm 11cm (H) * 8.5cm bottom size of about 14.5cm
> Color welcome to discuss the letter
> Production time is about three weeks ahead of schedule that is sent out in advance, the actual situation discuss with your designer.
> Every leather surface lines and pores are different, but it also appears to be unique in this collection.
> hand-dyed effect each will have little access to the actual situation prevail, those who mind do not buy products or choose colors.6802円医師の口ゴールドレザーパケット手作りバッグ・カバンclassificados.acheiusa.com - 伸縮式玉付ミニガーデンクリーナー 芝生ボストンバッグ の人気通販|Creema(クリーマ) 国内最大のハンドメイド
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究極のペンケース ポケットオーガナイザーの超簡単作り方紹介 看護師必見
Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur (Mir's), Sindh-Pakistan
楽天市場】【2セット】イヤリング バネ式芯付 ゴールド DIY 手芸
楽天市場】【2セット】シェリ イヤリングコンバーター ゴールド DIY
Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur (Mir's), Sindh-Pakistan
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Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur (Mir's), Sindh-Pakistan
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立体成型 ~その2~ | 0からはじめるレザークラフト。
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