マイクロサイズのロングピローコットンリネン ブルーグリーン|
日本語に翻訳 The Maternity and Nursing Pillow
The Japanese style is simple and elegant, making it more free for pregnant mothers to wait for childbirth at home
Except that prenatal mothers use their father as a pillow for postpartum breastfeeding
Mama Wu looks forward to using it together with her family in the future
You can do whatever you want in every corner
Let the cloth feel soft
This is Mama Wu"s comment on the washed cotton linen
Thin cotton linen is very suitable for spring and summer
Comfortable, breathable and not close-fitting
Lightweight, easy to wash and easy to dry
Water several times Afterwards
the fabric is drier and more breathable
If the particle pillow core
brings soft touch
to mommy LINEBREAK, then hemp material
, one of the ingredients of cotton and linen, will always support the belly
of pregnant mommy in the late stage LINEBREAK Mommy"s body is more relaxed
For mommy who has difficulty falling asleep in the late pregnancy, sleep quickly
➡Ultrafine particle pillow core will change with the size of the belly and sleeping habits, and it will perfectly fit each mommy"s body shape , Let mommy’s stomach be supported and relaxed, fall asleep easily, and sleep well at night
1. Side sleeper/breastfeeding/babies during pregnancy and postpartum stress relief
✅For mommy-side sleeper during pregnancy/feet during pregnancy/back support during pregnancy /Postpartum breast-feeding
✅For Beibei-a sense of peace of mind around Beibei/North nose"s reassuring seat/baby sleeping bed circumference
✅For family members-backrest/footrest/cushion to relieve pressure
2. Lightweight and portable to take with you
✅Pregnant mommy An exclusive personal helper in the confinement center or traveling
3. Moderate size does not take up space
✅Fold in half to become a pillow, the inside of the crib can be used as a bed circumference, a footrest in the living room, and the mobile phone can be slipped on the waist in the living room, easily solving storage problems
4. Postpartum breastfeeding
✅The micro-particle pillow is easy to shape,
it can be adjusted according to the mother"s habit of breastfeeding, so as to relieve the discomfort of the mother"s waist and arms
5. The reassuring seat for the north nose , around the baby"s surroundings, which can prevent the head from falling back instantly and being hit
6. The baby sleeps around the bed
✅The particle pillow core is easy to shape, and it can be placed in the crib, so that Beibi can feel that mommy is by his side
7. It is not integrally formed, the pillow core and pillowcase can be removed and washed, no washing trouble
✅The pillow core can be washed, so you don’t have to worry about yellowing and smelling
✅The table cloth is easy to clean in the morning and dry in the afternoon and continue to use it at night to easily solve the dust problem
Table cloth material: Cotton linen
Size: Peripheral length about 170cm x circumference about 45cm
Remarks: Only after confirming the order will we make it for you
How to clean the table cloth?
1. Wash the removed surface cloth by hand with cold detergent, and then put it in a cool place to dry.
(It is recommended to wash it separately from other clothes to avoid staining. And do not throw it directly into the washing machine for cleaning, so as not to damage the structure of the surface cloth itself)
2. Before installing the surface cloth on the pillow, please use your hands to put the pillow on both sides. The end particles are concentrated in the middle of the pillow core.
3. Then put the two ends of the surface cloth into the two ends of the pillow core, and it can be easily completed.
How is the pillow insert cleaned?
1. It is recommended that if there is any dirt, first clean a small area with a toothbrush or a damp cloth, and then put it in a cool place to dry naturally.
2. If the pillow is heavily soiled and needs to be cleaned, it can be washed by hand with cold detergent, and then placed in a cool place to dry naturally. Before putting the outer cloth into the pillow, make sure that the particles of the pillow are completely dry. (Do not throw it directly into the washing machine for cleaning or dehydration, so as not to damage the structure of the pillow itself)6303円マイクロサイズのロングピローコットンリネン ブルーグリーン|インテリア雑貨・生活道具PiccoCasa 抱き枕ケース マイクロファイバー ロング 大きい 等身大 抱き枕カバー ピローケース ホテル品質 北欧 無地 封筒式 1枚 グレー 50*120cmマイクロサイズのロングピローコットンリネン ブルーグリーン
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