日本語に翻訳 製程--> 品管, 絕對用心, 秉持友善環境原則, 設計出獨特(Unique) 全新 (New) 理想 (Ideal) 的作品 , 並非量產, 或有些微尺寸差距, 下單前請注意, 感謝 您的支持與惠訂#國際運送運費依據品項重量另行收費#請注意圖案因布料排版不一, 每個不盡相同,採隨機出貨#商品為現貨+預購。現貨售完即轉為展示作品接受預購。預購:預計送貨為完成訂單匯款後7~10天內(不含例假日)完成出貨,現貨:預計送貨為完成訂單匯款後3~5天內(不含例假日)完成出貨。如有特別指定日期~購入時請於備註欄填寫#洗滌注意: 請用低溫中性洗劑, 單獨輕揉手洗, 避免陽光直射, 低溫隔布整燙#作品拍攝已經盡量接近原色, 因相機/燈光/螢幕顯示, 會有些微色差, 產品顏色以實物為準, 不介意者再下單感謝 您的支持與惠訂更多花色選擇請見~優秀軒粉絲專頁: https://www.facebook.com/yoyo20001027/"> Boston simple canvas bag only this one
selection of well-cut canvas Japan VIII
with high-quality metal carrying handle and sewn
upper end of the zipper seal opening
after opening with four flat pockets within
meet storage needs, so bags were more practical
two sides with the activities of the D-ring strap can be installed on its own or used as a shoulder bag slung
simple and practical and generous of Boston bag, you deserve to have a taste of the collection
gifts for personal use two affordable
material: canvas
cloth: cotton canvas pocket
a finished size:
bag body: 35 × 17x19cm (width x height x depth with)
adjustable Handle: 50cm
design / production: excellent Xuan
Origin: Taiwan
# excellent Hin Persistence and commitment: every piece provided by the store is designed/made/sewn by hand, from the selection of raw materials --> process --> quality control, absolutely attentive, adhering to the principle of friendly environment, to design a unique (Unique) new ( New) Ideal works, not mass-produced, or there is a slight size difference, please pay attention before placing an order, thank you for your support and order
shipping charges will be charged according to the weight of the item
pay attention to the pattern Due to the different types of fabrics, each one is not the same.
goods are in stock + pre-order. When the stock is sold out, it will be converted to display works and accept pre-orders.
Pre-order: The delivery is expected to be completed within 7~10 days (excluding holidays) after completing the order remittance.
stock: It is estimated that the delivery will be completed within 3~5 days (excluding holidays) after the order remittance is completed. goods.
If there is a specific date, please fill in the remarks column when purchasing.
Note: Please use a low-temperature neutral lotion, rub and hand wash separately, avoid direct sunlight, and iron with a low-temperature cloth
shooting of the work is as close as possible colors, depending on the camera / lighting / display screen, there will be some off color, product color to prevail in kind, those who do not mind re-orders
thank you for your support and benefits set
more color choice - see the excellent Xuan fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/yoyo20001027/6745円エクセレントスアン〜キャンバスシンプルなボストンバッグこれだけが旅行に最適ですバッグ・カバンセール】ヘヴィーキャンバス ジップ トートバッグ / 大容量 / 旅行エクセレントスアン〜キャンバスシンプルなボストンバッグこれだけが
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