*Order production starts after the payment date, with an average waiting time of 7 working days, excluding weekends and delivery time.
|| Materials Width 2.8 cm.
。Materials:Embroidery thread & brass.
|| Care Instructions▼
。Avoid contact with water when wearing this product. If the product gets wet, dry it immediately.
。Keep it in dry and store it away from direct sunlight.
|| Note to Customers▼
。Please allow for some variation in color as displayed on different devices and screens. Actual colors may vary.
。This product is handmade, so each one cannot be 100% identical.
。A maximum of 2 works can be placed in a box. If you need individual packing, please let us know. If not notified, they will be placed together.
。The product does not include the decorative items shown in the photos.
|| Production & Shipping Details▼
。Every product requires 7 working days. Thank you for your patience.
。Our shop processes orders from Monday to Friday.
。The shipping time depends on the logistics companies. Therefore, an exact date cannot be given.
|| Returns Policy▼
Since accessories are classified as personal hygiene products, we only accept returns/exchanges in the following circumstances:
。Defective products.
。Incorrect products (from actual order).
|| Follow▼
Instagram | @liching_jing6439円パイルハンドメイド刺繍ピアスアクセサリー・ジュエリー簡単ビーズ刺繍ピアスの作り方|タッセル刺繍イヤリング|ハンドメイドパイルハンドメイド刺繡ピアス イヤリング・ノンホールピアス JING
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