日本語に翻訳 是她以旁觀者的角色去探索宇宙道理的觀念去完成,其中也不忘了在此作品中添加她最喜歡的花草,你問她為什麼?她也無法給你確切的答案,這就是Daphne.作品名稱:Life媒材:墨水,紙尺寸:27.2x19.6公分年代:2013數量:1產地/製造方式英國倫敦"> Daphne HC Shen is a British artist, and she usually the greatest pleasure is the creation of
busy outside the work or insist on their own passion for the creation of art, Daphne long suffering from insomnia for a long time, she also try to create
In the process of writing, she always challenges her own posture to challenge the work, which makes her every time the creation of a different style, but these styles are also strongly Expresses the conflict and contradiction of her own personality.
She does not know how to express herself, so she wants to show a state of my name from the works.
this workIs her bystander"s role to explore the idea of the universe to complete the concept, which did not forget to add her favorite flowers in this work, you ask her why she can not give you the exact answer, this is Daphne.
Product Name: Life
Media: Ink, Paper
Size: 27.2x19.6 cm
Year: 2013
Qty: 1
Origin / Manufacturing
London, UK29202円ダフネHCシェン日本の浮世絵のスタイルのレトロ宇宙リリー・ウェン清オリジナルのユニークな手描きのイラストアート手描きイラスト」 のおすすめ人気通販 検索結果|Creema(クリーマダフネHCシェン日本の浮世絵のスタイルのレトロ宇宙リリー・ウェン清
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エジプト 古布 絵画 パピルス emmanuelfranca.com.br
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