日本語に翻訳 》 初阳项链 necklace
Spring sunshine. Warmth, dreams are also full of vitality, soft sunshine brings power to nature, evokes our enthusiasm for people, optimism for the future, confidence in the challenge.
Length: approx. 46 cm
Semi-precious stones: Red Dongling, colored moonstone
Metal: 14K bag accessories, 14K gold-plated chain, 18K gold-plated buckle
》14K gold 14K Gold Filled
metal center is made of brass and is covered with a layer of 14K gold and has a thickness of 1/20.
The advantages of "14K Gold" are:
1. There is a K gold texture.
2. Metal stability is high and it is not easy to have allergies.
3. The thickness is many times thicker than the plating method. After using it for a period of time, the color becomes darker. Just use a jewellery cloth to polish it and let the jewelry wear longer.
》Eraser speed buckle
Intuitive insertion, take off and take off
is a pleasure to wear jewelry, but it is completely defeated by the lame buckle before going out, the buckle of the necklace is I can"t see it, I can"t help it, but when I go home and take off the necklace, I have to fight again. We don"t like it too much. Try O Season"s "Eraser Speed Buckle"! Intuitively inserting, pulling out and removing, I believe that I will fall in love with this simple feeling.
》The characteristics of natural gemstones will vary in color, texture, appearance, and size. There may also be natural fine lines, all of which are characteristic of natural materials.
Origin Taiwan / Handmade
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