日本語に翻訳 Natural high-quality black hair crystal hand beads 8.5-8.7 meters hand circumference 16
Translucent rainbow light energy hand beads
Extreme ブラックルチルブレスレット Black Rutilated Quartz
Most of the inclusions in black hair crystals are black tourmaline inclusions; they belong to hair crystals It contains minerals in the shape of black hair or needles, which can help eliminate sickness and turbidity. Compared with obsidian and other crystals, it is slightly stronger in energy. The most famous effect is to eliminate negative energy and avoid evil spirits. Improve personal luck. If you feel that everything is not going well, you are weak and easy to get sick, you can wear black hair crystals to improve, help to resist negative energy, to drive away evil and avoid disasters, to avoid evil and prevent villains, to eliminate negative energy from the body, and to become effective amulets and prevent witches. spells, black magic or any kind of sorcery.
Black hair crystal, also known as "leader stone", black hair crystal contains black needle-like or hair-like substances, that is, black tourmaline with strong penetrating power and energy, which can help get rid of distracting thoughts and concentrate, making people Focusing on goals is especially helpful for career luck, strengthening decision-making and leadership skills, and at the same time can enhance leadership charisma, increase career momentum, and increase personal aura. Black-haired crystals can keep oneself away from right and wrong, prevent villains, and increase work momentum. . (Black hair crystals are hair crystals, so they have the effect of gathering wealth. In addition, the black tourmaline of black hair crystals can help to ward off evil spirits, drive away negative energy, help improve career luck, and naturally bring wealth).
Black Rutilated Quartz, also known as leader stone, black hair crystal contains black needle-like or hair-like substances, that is, black tourmaline with strong penetrating power and energy, which can help us get rid of distracting thoughts and Concentration is especially helpful for career luck, and wearing it by a person in charge can increase the charisma of a leader. In addition, black hair crystal is also a common spar that can resist the invasion of bad aura in the market and clean up negative energy in the body. Many people wear it to prevent villains, evil spirits and evil spirits. Black hair crystals have many effects, one of the main functions is to clean up negative energy. If you feel that everything is not going well, you are weak and easy to get sick, you can wear black hair crystals to improve, help resist negative energy, and drive away evil and avoid disasters; The crystal contains black tourmaline, its energy makes people focus on the goal, strengthens decision-making and leadership skills, and can enhance the charisma of the leader, especially suitable for entrepreneurs, department heads, etc. Efficacy, plus the black tourmaline of black hair crystal can help to ward off evil spirits, drive away negative energy, help improve career luck, and naturally bring wealth.
ビジネス上の病を拍り复き, 力ち运を引き込むといわれており, Career をStabilityさせ, Successさせるための良きサポーターとなってくれる石です.
ブラックルチルを持つことで、心を悲していた依审な考えが流かばなくなり、自分のやるべき事に重量できるようになると言われています. Main に, "golden luck", "business luck" and "successful luck" を up させる. Difficulty を九り越えるためのenduranceやmental power, courage を持ち主に和えてくれるmeansとeffectがあるとされていいます.
Others" opinions に流されず自分ののの意味で行动できるようにConfidenceが身につくように报すと言われていますので、営karmaや交渉力のとしているビジネスマンには强い味方になってくれる石で, ここ一次での能力をmaximumに高め, karmaやcommunication forceをアップサせ, self-fenのペースで利に话を进める事が出るようになるかもしれません.
また, ビジネスの成功によって, Self-growth をpromoting effect もあるとされるパワーストーンです.
そのため, evil thoughts weak heart を wipe い go り, のの前の「财」を动かすことにconsciousnessを四せてくれるのです.
Others の言葉に想わされず、实定たるconfidenceが持てるよう后加しをしてくれるため、ビジネスを进める上でのブレがなくなり、亮い意见で人を卷き込むパワーが节加されることでしょう.
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