紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を落ち着かせ、マイナスエネルギーを変換し、エネルギーを補給
日本語に翻訳 ◆■【Psychedelic Purple】■◆
Purple Dragon Crystal x 925 Sterling Silver (Original sent)
Length about 30mm (including silver tip) / Thickness about 8mm / Width about 16mm (All sizes above include silver table)
*Purple Dragon The purple and white spiral stripes of the crystal are intertwined~ Really super charming der, you will not get bored after watching it for a long time^^
◆■【Material Introduction】■◆
Purple Dragon Crystal 【Charoite】
Eliminates the sense of isolation or frustration and brings Power, vitality and positivity.
Enhances observation and analysis capabilities to help midwives make decisions quickly.
Helps focus and relieve tension.
◆■【Ornament Care】■◆
- If the silver jewelry is exposed to sweat, skin care products, etc. and causes oxidation, you can wipe it with a silver cloth to restore the luster.
- Avoid contact with water and moisture, acid-base body lotion, perfume, etc.
- It is recommended to take it off before playing in water or taking a bath, as long-term contact may cause oxidation and fading.
- When wearing the Japanese-made elastic thread, try not to pull it too hard, so as to avoid elastic fatigue and breakage.
◆■【After-sale service】■◆
- For customized products, except for defective products, there is no return or exchange service.
- If you need to modify the size after receiving the item, you will need to pay for return postage and additional production costs.
◆■【I hope everyone can find your favorite natural stone jewelry】■◆6745円紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を落ち着かせ、マイナスエネルギーを変換し、エネルギーを補給アクセサリー・ジュエリーMOTTAINAI タンザナイトHC 14ミリ ビーズ 綺麗でお得!! : 石の音紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を
紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を
紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を
紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を
紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を
紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を
紫龍水晶(オリジナル配信)【サイケデリックパープル】 気分を
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