Alltimeonepiece_Intelligent衿折半袖Two Wears
日本語に翻訳 Product description:
uses lightweight denim, unique black and blue two-color interweaving, light and breathable, cotton + tencel material absorbs sweat and protects the skin, long version with special tailoring for reversible wear. Modifies a slender figure.
boldly uses the amount of cloth, loose In between, a little lazy elegance and ease. No matter: beach travel, outdoor leisure, work party, leisurely home, free to wear. Can be comfortable and comfortable.
~~~~Elegant and free, roaming in the sun and blue sea~~
***Cool and elegant ~ modify the body shape; the material is skin-friendly, the latest fashion point of 2022 "lazy fashion"
~~Make a pot between morning and evening Warm and warm tea, elegant and free, wandering in the sunshine and red
45% light denim Tencel cotton is breathable and light to the touch, with a natural silky elegant luster.
***FREE SIZE is suitable for daily wear SL Length 46~47 (about 116~119 cm)
****** **************************************************** ***
{ {special instructions}}
1. Please do not wear white or light-colored underwear, so as not to cause indigo color migration.
2. Please turn over and wash separately, dry at low temperature after drying, let The fibers remain dry and are not prone to mold growth.
3. Do not make excessive friction contact with light-colored bags to avoid Indigo color migration.
**Please be sure to wash according to the warning signs**
In the late summer and early autumn
The sun is
and the
is clear and
サイズサイズ/寸法 身幅(cm) 肩幅(cm) 着丈(cm) 袖丈(cm) F 92 38 118 0サイズガイド 仕様・特長項目名 詳細 洗濯機 可ドライクリーニング 不可6814円Alltimeonepiece_Intelligent衿折半袖Two Wearsファッション🔥Anne Two Piece Set 纯欲挂脖两件套✨ 我的自留款!超级好看✨领口Alltimeonepiece_Intelligent衿折半袖Two Wears ワンピース Jussay
Alltimeonepiece_Intelligent衿折半袖Two Wears ワンピース Jussay
Alltimeonepiece_Intelligent衿折半袖Two Wears ワンピース Jussay
Alltimeonepiece_Intelligent衿折半袖Two Wears ワンピース Jussay
Alltimeonepiece_Intelligent衿折半袖Two Wears ワンピース Jussay
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🔥Anne Two Piece Set 纯欲挂脖两件套✨ 我的自留款!超级好看✨领口
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🔥Anne Two Piece Set 纯欲挂脖两件套✨ 我的自留款!超级好看✨领口
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